On Wednesday, Annie Macualay-Idibia was at Inspiration FM for a 45minutes interview with OAP Nana King and she surprisingly broke down in tears when talking about her relationship with 2face. During the interview, the actress, wife and mother cleared the air on the many controversial issues that fans have been willing to ask. On the Dubai wedding “Dubai wedding was 2face’s idea not mine. I wanted a very quiet wedding in Abuja but 2face wanted a dream wedding in Dubai.” Girls in the mood controversy: “That photo of me on the movie cover with a towel and panties, was photo-shopped, that girl wasn’t me, my face was used on someone else’s body. I wanted to sue the movie producer but my husband said I should ignore it.” Her takes on blogs “they are annoying but I will never say any word against them…they love making news out of nothing, so most times I ignore the stories”‘ On her controversial wedding gift “We received just one car from the Governor not two, it’s just one” O...