Wayne and Birdman Fist Fight. Guess Who Won?

1.Our sources say that Wayne was recording in a studio in Los Angeles for his upcoming mixtape, Bloodborne: The Dark Soul, he received a text from Baby, saying that he was coming by the studio to make amends. 2. Baby comes by the studio in a purple Bugatti, with a matching one being driven by one of Baby's childhood friends, Skydive. Baby tells Wayne that one of the cars is his, and that he wants to make things right, saying that Carter 5 will be released March 10. 3. Wayne invited Baby into the studio. There were a lot of people in the hallways, but in the actual recording room, there was only a few people. Baby asked to hear what he's been working on. 4. Wayne plays a few tracks from Bloodborne: The Dark Soul, saying that he is going to drop it early February, with videos for every song, all on the same day. At this, Baby begins to laugh. Wayne asks what's so funny. Baby tells Skydive "Handle it", and Skydive swings at Wayne, but misses. 5. Peopl...