This is our second global ranking of CEOs on social media. As more CEOs have transitioned into social media, we have expanded it from 30 to 60 individuals. The ranking methodology is set out at the bottom of the article. Social Media Ranking Developments: June To September The most significant change has been a number of Fortune 500 CEOs joining the LinkedIn Influencers program. They include Burberry’s Angela Ahrendts, WPP’s Martin Sorrell and Standard Chartered’s Peter Sands. However, the majority of top CEOs, particularly in big Fortune 500 companies (including WPP and Standard Chartered) continue not be on the Twitter platform. We have expanded the rankings to 60 CEOs, reflecting the significantly increased number of CEOs now active on social media. We have included new CEOs from Asia and the Middle East, as well as some social CEOs we were not previously aware of suggested by commenters in the first edition of our ranking . ...